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Why New Developers should be on Twitch

Posted on:August 6, 2023

For a long time, twitch was seen as a place for streaming and watching games, but it’s not just for gamers. Among other things, as a programmer, you can also benefit by watching Twitch streams. The “Software and Game Development” category is full of smart and wonderful people - both streamers and chat members(like me).

There are many benefits of watching dev-twitch, including:

Learning new technologies and programming languages

One of the key advantages of watching Twitch streams is that you can see how experienced programmers approach real-life projects and implement their solutions in code. Whether it’s a new technology or a programming language, you can get hands-on experience with how it works and how it can be applied in practical situations. This can be especially helpful if you are just starting out with a new technology or language and want to see how it’s done in the real world.

For example, when I started learning React (around October 2022), I got more interested and involved in dev-twitch. I found a few cool streamers who were writing React and I hung out there for a while. Before long, I started to pick up concepts that would otherwise have taken me much longer to understand.

Watching programming streams on twitch, you’ll get to see how other people structure their code, how they use a language, and how they handle different challenges and bugs. This can be a much more effective way of learning than just reading tutorials or watching pre-recorded videos, as you get to see how the language is used in real-time and ask questions directly to the streamer.

Another great thing about watching dev-twitch is that you can learn from different programming styles and techniques. Every programmer has their own unique approach to coding, and by watching several streamers, you can see how different approaches can lead to similar solutions. This can help you expand your coding toolkit and develop your own style over time.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced programmer, you can always find something new and useful to learn from other coders on the platform.

Improving your coding skills

One of the critical aspects of being a programmer is the ability to continuously improve your skills and stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and practices. Watching Twitch streams is a great way to achieve this. By watching experienced programmers (and sometimes non-experienced programmers… remember we can learn from anyone) at work, you can pick up best practices, shortcuts, and tips that can help improve your coding skills.

You may also learn about different design patterns, methodologies, and approaches to problem-solving. These insights can help you work more efficiently and write better code.

While on dev-twitch you can learn from the mistakes of others. As a programmer, it’s common to encounter bugs and challenges while coding. By watching how experienced programmers handle these issues, you can learn from their solutions and avoid making the same mistakes in your own code.

A good example of this was when I watched a streamer figure out jsPDF and scale their initial issues with it. I used that knowledge just last week to quickly implement jsPDF in a Resume Builder web app that I’m working on. It probably wouldn’t have been that easy if I wasn’t in that stream that day.

Building a network of like-minded individuals

One of the best things about programming is the strong sense of community that exists among programmers. Dev-twitch provides a platform for this community to come together and connect with each other.

In the fast-paced world of technology, it’s important to stay up-to-date, so you don’t get left behind. Staying ahead is important in today’s world and watching dev-twitch is a great way to achieve that.

Dev-twitch is rich and diverse. From web development to game development. There are lots of Cybersecurity streamers as well. And those streams come in different languages too - just the other day I was trying to brush up on my French by lurking in a French programmer’s chat (spoiler: it didn’t go so well).

By watching dev-twitch streams, you can connect with other programmers who share your interests and passions.

You can participate in the chat and engage in discussions with other viewers. You can ask questions and share your thoughts. And you can make friends with industry professionals(which is always nice).

Staying Motivated

Twitch streams can also be a great place to find inspiration and motivation. By watching other programmers work and overcome challenges, you can see the positive impact that programming can have on people’s lives and be inspired to pursue your own goals.

If you’re lucky like me, you meet friendly people who help to motivate and guide you on your programming journey. And most importantly, you have lots of fun!!!